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"We found that bashing all the keys like deranged addicts in frustration managed to fix it; try to only do it when the keys don't work though ok (keyboards feel pain)."

The controls are your typical Quake style of Mouse and Keyboard combinations (there isn't much of an alternative for such games), smooth, responsive and extremely easy to set-up. We were sorry to find that the bug where for no reason your mouse view controls suddenly refused to function properly or various keys stopped working and or jammed on fire, still existed. This is an old bug and I'm very sorry that after all the years Epic still can't fix it. It happens rarely so shouldn't hurt too much but for every other game it doesn't happen at all and could be a major hindrance in professional league games. We found that bashing all the keys like deranged addicts in frustration managed to fix it; try to only do it when the keys don't work though ok (keyboards feel pain).

Onto AI (Artificial Inteligence), which is used with UTs Bots for emulating the feel of multiplayer but in a single player world. It's exceptional, you can give them orders to attack, defend, escort or do whatever they like out of all the 8 or so orders. They behave as though they were real characters in an on-line game, some will guard or follow you for no reason but to help, others will simply attack of their own accord, it's all very realistic. We would need two full pages to explain just how good they are, the best way is to see them for your self.

So what can you play?

The game modes consist of the popular Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag; on top of those you also have some newcomers. Assault is one such mode where you can choose to be on the defending or attacking team. The attackers have to complete a specific goal such as pressing a button deep in the enemy base or blowing something up. Capture and Hold is another mode that was invented more or less by 'Tribes', the idea being you play as a team to capture and hold specific points around the map longer than your foe.

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