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"This is not a sequel to Unreal but more of an add-on that works separately from the original code..."

This is not a sequel to Unreal but more of an add-on that works separately from the original code, the sequel to Unreal itself is in development elsewhere. Some people were worried that UT would be more of a 'Total Conversion' rather than a new game; we can put those worries to rest right now because it isn't! UT takes the Unreal engine, re-codes it to be faster, look better, replaces textures, makes level design of the like unique to this title and adds all new sounds and half a dozen stunning gameplay modes.

UT is packed to the teeth with guns and houses 10, all of which have a second fire mode and feel as powerful as holding a Nasa space shuttle in your hand whilst it launches. Explosions aren't exactly exciting (unless you use the Redeemer, play it and see) but weapon bullets, muzzle flashes and sounds all feel immaculate for what they model.


Yes and the gameplay?

The gameplay in UT is a real problem for several staff members at Speedy 3D who now find themselves embroiled in it so much so that they can't write this review. As you can see we are doing it now, but chances are the millennium has been and gone already because we lost track of time. Such is the scale that you can become so deeply involved in UTs many styles, variations of play and weaponry.

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