Horde, The Horde
The "Horde" Technology might be well for a great action packed
scenes but in the setting of KISS it fails a bit, the problem
is that there are every few different monsters that can "horde"
(so to speak), the basic horde technology only applies to 3
of the most basic of enemies in the game: headless, stump and
the gasbags which are spawned in the game by Spawners spread
around most levels. At the start it's a great addition to the
game but this wears on thin at the latter levels, as the constant
onslaught of enemies becomes repetitive and boring. Furthermore
the monsters don't have AI that compares very well to today's
shooters, they just run towards you and start attacking, there
is non of the tactical and group attack strategies of Half-Life
troopers that would have worked so well here. This makes player
strategies non-existent as you just shoot, run away and shoot
again at a distance.
weapons offered are the standard Quake arsenal, you have a standard
melee weapon, a shotgun, a machine gun (called the zero cannon),
a rocket launcher, and a BFG sort of a weapon which is unique
to each avatar but still same in the operation (all enemies
die). One thing that I liked are the melee weapons, each being
unique to the avatar that uses them, for the 4 types of avatars
there is a whip, a sword, an axe and a cat claws gloves. Many
games include melee weapons but their effectiveness is lax,
in KISS however the weapons are actually powerful enough to
use in no ammo situations, the whip is the best as you can scale
walls in parts of the game like Indiana Jones.