tells you you're going to review a game based on ex-rock superstars
KISS and some Circus gone out of control, the first thing that
comes to mind is stinker. Seriously, have you ever seen a game
based on a rock group actually do well? Or even be good? Have
you heard of Ed Hunter, a game based around Iron Maiden? You
get my drift. Until it's release I thought KISS: Psycho Circus:
The Nightmare Child would be a game based on the KISS group
members going about towns wrecking havoc (like they did with
their guitars), turns out to be it's less KISS than KISS, in
simple terms it's not about KISS but a comic book by Todd McFarlane
based on the Rock superstars, confused?
of a crappy story by the developers, the game is centered around
a loose storyline telling of the 4 KISS members out to save
the world aided by an all knowing woman/man/unknown with a crystal
ball, each KISS member has to collect Armour "shards" in their
specific realm and then face off against a powerful (unborn)
foe called the Nightmare Child. Through the course of the game
there are 4 realms that have to be sanitized of evil by each
of the KISS members, each realm being centered on the 4 prime
elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire. These 4 realms were
ruled by Gods that kept balance in their specific realms but
something has gone wrong and the binds that held evil away from
the world have come apart. This allows all out evil to attack
on the mortal world and as always, you have to fix it all.

using the "Lithtech" engine looks pretty much on par to all
but the highest of 3d engines today, it features most of the
eye candy we have gotten used to with the exception of realistic
water effects, but the true selling point comes through in the
levels and their design, each level is built realistically and
scaled to a precise detail. Textures are creative and non repetitive
and the game is filled of various nifty graphical tweaks, like
tracers on most of the weapons. This gives the game the extra
edge it needs to come on tops of most mediocre 3D first person
shooters. The engine has also been tweaked further to add a
unique system called Horde Technology, this basically allows
for copious amounts of monsters on screen without a hitch of
slowdown, and unlike many features promised today by developers
this actually works, many times you will come across a room
full of monsters asking for a good ol' ass whoopin'.