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"Sadly in their rush to promote voxels, Novalogic neglected to take into account the sheering rate of development in 3D acceleration."

You scurry across endless landscapes following waypoints and completing objectives similar to those mentioned above. The use of stealth is imperative and thus the landscapes have been designed for you to take advantage of such abilities, grass, rock piles and fog etc. That roughly outlines DF in its most simple form.

Realism is not a pixel anymore

Apparently the reason for using voxels in the first place was because they allowed endless landscapes with dense grass and other environmental features to be used. This obviously meant you had a much more realistic environment to work with and one that fit the DF style to a tee. The problem? They can render a lot and because of that they are extremely slow - more so than polygons.

Sadly in their rush to promote voxels, Novalogic neglected to take into account the sheering rate of development in 3D acceleration. As such DFLW is now a totally 3D game, that's right, no more pixels! Of course the real test, whether you can walk to McDonald's from Iraq, has yet to be accomplished under either engine.

The new engine uses the latest in environmental technology to create a world almost as extensive as its voxel ancestors. Extensive or not, the improvement close up is colossal and you can see even the smallest details at a distance of 1,000 meters, quite a view. The actual viewing distance is likely to be somewhat more (3,000?), yet past 1,000 things are expected to get misty.

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