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"All cards in the Ti family are almost exactly like their brethren in either the GeForce2 or GeForce3 family..."

The package (as with the other two Xtasy cards) only contained a few things in addition to the card; a manual, and a driver cd containing Nvidia's detonator drivers. No games or other software come in any of the packages.

All cards in the Ti family are almost exactly like their brethren in either the GeForce2 or GeForce3 family, only sporting different core and memory clock speeds. In the case of the Ti 500, this card has a core speed of 240MHz, and a memory clock of 500Mhz (250MHz DDR) using 3.8ns memory chips (which theoretically should allow for frequencies up to about 520Mhz). This is only marginally faster than the original GeForce 3 which was originally clocked at 200MHz core, and 460MHz RAM.

All Xtasy boards in this line up sport the same cooling scheme. Two blue heatsinks for the memory chips as well a matching blue heatsink and fan on top of the core. These heatsinks did not look as big as the ones found on the earlier GeForce3 from visiontek.

This board also comes with TV out as well as a DVI connector for LCDs. The TV out is done by way of the very popular chip from Conexant. The DVI display is powered by Silicon Image's Sil165CT64 chip which located on the backside of the board.


After overclocking we tested the card for one hour playing loops 3D Mark2001's demo.

The maximum core overclock that we were able to achieve without applying some type of super cooling was about 250MHz, 10MHz over the stock speed. The memory was able to go as high as 550MHz which is about 30Mhz DDR, or 15MHz effective over its theoretical maximum.

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