is a picture of my test card. A Diamond Viper 770 TNT2 board.
As you can see, the card ships with a relatively big heatsink
but no fan. Is this heatsink enough? Definitely not. After 10
or 15 minutes of playing Quake3, I start to suffer from bad
frame rate due to overheating. And it's not even overclocked!
Shame on Diamond for not supplying a descent cooling solution.
install the VIce, start by taking off the retail heatsink that
came with your video card. Some manufacturer use clips to hold
the heatsink to the board. If it's so, consider yourself lucky.
All you have to do is to unclip the heatsink to take it off.
Unfortunately, a lot of manufacturer use thermal glue to hold
the heatsink in place. So most of you will have to rip the heatsink
off the card. Please take note that by doing this, your warrantee
will be void.
take off a glued heatsink, insert some kind of tool (knife or
flat head screw driver) between the heatsink and the chip. Then,
"gently" rotate whatever tool your using to pop the heatsink.