options range from 1-20, with 20 obviously being the loudest.
While the max volume settings won't hurt your ears, they are
more than enough to block out any ambient noise. Unfortunately
the included headphones are the kind I most utterly hate. Instead
of including some nice high-quality foldable headphones Diamond
opted for the cheaper, and more portable 'ear phones' as I call
them. Sound quality was just OK using these headphones, but
spending $30 on a nice pair of digital Sony foldable headphones
quickly remedied the situation.
of my most favorite features of the Rio 500 is the use of a
USB connection as apposed to the more traditional and dog-slow
parallel port. Being approximately 10-15x faster than the parallel
port, I was able to download a 5MB song (about 5minutes worth)
in just under 11 seconds. Don't forget the book-marking feature
that allows you to save your place in either spoken audio or

about the software?
included RioPort Audio Manager lets you rip CDs (into either
WMA or MP3s), organize your MP3s, send MP3s to your Rio and
connect to rioport.com. The RioPort Audio Manager also includes
an MP3/CD audio player, which looks and works much like the
infamous Winamp.