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"RedAlert2 (RA2) is the second prequel to the original C&C and its sequel, TS, we guess that makes it C&C minus 2."

Being one of the first to review TS, Speedy3D was quickly shot down by countless hardcore fans. However it was only later after seeing numerous other reviews that we realised our verdict had been correct all along, TS was poor, un finished and an un-viewable piece of rubbish - all this coming from a long time C&C fan.

While reviewing TS we drew a lot of comparisons to Westwood's last major success, Red Alert and how it had a far greater scope than TS, even after ageing so much. The good news is they took some notice and without even an early word, Red Alert2 suddenly appeared and came from almost nowhere. Within moments it was on store shelves.

The Russians are back

RedAlert2 (RA2) is the second prequel to the original C&C and its sequel, TS, we guess that makes it C&C minus 2. In RA2 those nasty Russians (game wise, of course) have risen to power once again and lead an all-out assault on an unsuspecting North America. Typically and as is always your luck, all the other commanders have been killed and yes you guessed it, you're the last one - yes again.

It's at this point that the game takes off and as usual you can either defend and push the Russians out with the 'Allies', or opt for the evil approach and take all of America with your 'Soviet' comrades. Controls are nothing short of typical in TS, Westwood have always maintained the 'simple' approach of point-click-move and click-build, which is just about all you need to know.

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