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"Q3A houses a plethora of Deathmatch levels, which is all fine and well if you're a DM junkie like a lot of people are."

Two hours later and they still hadn't got off the first tier, it appeared to us that you would require a constant level of patience and vigilance in order to be able to grasp the game fully and a lot of spare time (if you hadn't used such a game before). Our advice would have been to slow down the characters movements on the first few levels so people get used to tracking, then to give bots more limited firepower and slowly speed them up. Still on the whole, who cares!

Modes of play

Q3A houses a plethora of Deathmatch levels, which is all fine and well if you're a DM junkie like a lot of people are. About 60 or 70% of such players also adore Teamplay, yet Q3A seems to have messed things up on this side. Teamplay specific maps don't really exist in that sense and so gameplay just ends up being Deathmatch all over again. The option to play rounds instead of spawn after death might have helped, just as an added extra.

Next to that Q3A only really has Capture the Flag as the other mode is a simple DM Variant. Sadly the new CTF maps are not inspiring, there are no big outside arenas (can be said for the ENTIRE game) and the lack of futuristic CTF levels is something, which should be criminally punishable by law. The levels are dark and badly lit medieval styles with the occasional metallic room and the blend of lighting and textures don't seem to fit together as well as the DM ones.

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