a unit of this size you should check just how much clearance
room you have between your processor and your RAM slots (and/or
your power connector depending on which Mainboard you are using).
If you don't have enough room, you might as well just forget
it, as a blocked power connector will do you no good.

base plate of this unit is made of copper as stated earlier.
Making the base plate out of copper offers a few advantages
over aluminum with the main reason being that copper transfers
heat faster than aluminum, however does retain heat longer.
And aluminum does everything the opposite way, transfers heat
slower, but retains it for a much shorter period of time. Alpha
decided to give heat the 1-2 punch. Using a copper base plate
the P7125 can transfer heat off the CPU much faster, and then
the base plate transfers its heat to the aluminum heatsink can
get rid of the heat very speedily (no pun intended).
most heatsink/fan combos currently on the market, Alphas never
come pre-built. While putting them together is not really too
difficult (and if you get stuck there are instructions that
come with it) but can be tricky at times. The 2 included fans
are able to pump 50 CFM of air, which will prevent the heatsink
from becoming very hot.