Over the past few years computers'
internal running temperature has been steadily increasing (according
to moore's law, without proper cooling computers' temperature
will double every 12-24 months). When the computer industry
cried out for a better cooling method, that is when the card
cooler was born. When I received this little gem in the mail
I was relatively unexcited. But little did I know of the power
this simple device beheld.
The card cooler is a simple cooling
device that utilizes 2 sleeve bearing fans set side by side
attached to a thin strip of punched sheet metal. The card cooler
is very simple to install. All it requires is a 12 volt DC connector
to supply it's power. You then screw it into the 1st and 4th
card slots in you case, and voila! It is installed. The length
of it extends far enough to cover most cards in the first 4
slots adequately. Plus since the card is nonabrasive it does
not touch any of your cards, which would normally void it's