sliding my leg slowly out of bed while simultaneously brushing
the Evil Monkeys from my hair, I began my usual early morning
choirs. Get up, make the bed, get some food and nip down to
the office for a quick early morning frag fest before getting
back to work. It’s day’s like these where you can get sick of
routine and long for a different experience, looking to my computer
screen news of a game known as WarMonkeys flows smoothly past
my eyes. Perhaps Evil Monkeys finally made a game about eating
bananas and annoying poor on-line reporters like myself? No
actually NOT. As I gaze into the everglades of information and
centre my mouse silently over the Link, a swift depress on the
left Mouse button and bing! More WarMonkeys than you could wish

it really a Monkey related simulation?
WarMonkeys is sadly not a game like SimLife or SimCity which
revolves around the simulated life of monkeys =), surprisingly
it’s quite the opposite. The name does however have a certain
ring, a ring that tells me the developers were on some hard
drugs when they thought up the name, but a ring no less. Ignore
the Monkeys and what do you have? A much happier on-line reporter?
Nope, or a game revolving around War? Yes! WarMonkeys (WM) is
yet another real time tactical/strategy game set in a full 3d
environment. WM I somewhere between the strategic bliss of Warzone
2100 and the action of Machines, but quite where it fits yet
is not exactly clear. From the screenshots it seems like a more
toned down version of Hostile Waters with rather bland (Machines
like) landscapes but lots of smoky and particle infested explosions.

battle takes place with up to 200 individual units all being
split between 3 opposing forces. Could be a real ‘Total Annihilation’
beater with just that. You also get battlefields, which are
on a scale of 10 square kilometres, much like those seen in
the more respectable warmongers pickup, ‘Wargasm’. Very much
like other recent RTS’s, Silicon Dreams have opted to add a
3rd Person view to all the units and hope that this will be
of far greater use than the poor excuse for 3rd Person found
in ‘Machines’. If they do get the 3rd Person view right, it
may also be possible to have some units with sniper abilities,
this would really add to the game (on-line play specifically).
WM also houses 40 different unit types including Infantry, Mechanised
units and Alien creatures.