to all be revolutionary games that will change the face of gaming
as we know it; Black & White, Team Fortress 2 and Halo should
be a gamers dream trio when they are released. But what effect
will they have on the state of the games industry, and will
we be seeing more and more developers switching to console games
development such as recent developer, Lionhead headed by Peter
Sweet Smell Of Success
Each of the "Big Three" is nearing completion, have all suffered
their setbacks and have received much publicity from the gaming
press. All offer originality and promise a unique gaming experience.
Rumours are flying around the internet, passing from forum to
forum, chat channel to chat channel, bringing up interesting
and exciting news as well as utter tosh.
is no surprise to find that everyone is getting very excited
in the run up to November. Black & White appears to be gaining
more praise than Half-Life when declared "Game Of The Year"
by about every first-person gaming website known to man. Team
Fortress 2 has had those on the mod scene and in clans raving
on about it more than the protestors have been about the petrol
crisis, whilst Halo has been making the game industries collective
jaw drop with each new screenshot and movie trailer released.
What you are about to read is detailed look into the three games
and predicted effects on the gaming industry.

Fortress 2: Brotherhood Of Arms
Valve realised the potential the original Team Fortress had
for Quake and snapped up the TF mod team and paid them to create
a top-notch add-on for their first ever game, Half-Life. Team
Fortress Classic (now Team Fortress 1.5 due to updates) proved
extremely popular with the online community and has only been
surpassed in popularity by Counter-Strike recently.