there is one thing that games have been capitalising on in the
last year it would be realism. The use of real world locations
or at least locations modelled on similar landscapes and buildings
in real life. Games like Kingpin, Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six
and Action Half-Life to name but a few have all done it. The
reason is because it adds depth and gives the player a much
more difficult and important role in the game he or she plays,
capitalising on the use of familiar style locations to further
deepen the interaction. Delta Force (DF) was the first game
to follow the SpecOps (SO) mould but do it a little differently.
Not only where the graphics near completely different but the
gameplay was radical in the methods it had combined with that
of its engine (Voxel Space3(16Bit)). DF remained a game with
limited objectives, landscapes and for that matter, graphical
effects. You would essentially trundle across vast landscapes
eliminating patrols silently so as to not alert anybody before
reaching your objective.
would usually be along the lines of capturing somebody, killing
everybody or eliminating communications equipment. Sadly the
fundamental play style kept the game from being more than it
was, essentially every mission was just a 'kill em all' one
way or another and without differing locations it began to wear
very thin. Thankfully DF remained strong in the way you played
the game itself, snipers, knife kills and long range assaults
kept it innovative and fun with you yourself actually making
the game enjoyable and not it you. This made it very popular
and now we see a sequel, one which judging by early versions
has already remedied the shortcomings
of the past.

monkey business
time around NovaLogic (NL) have added 32Bit rendering and texturing
(not really textures though, Voxels) to the engine. Not only
that but fog, rain, grass, snow, more trees, variety in landscape
design and environments as well as new play styles. Basically
the old Delta Force is there but now you have a much-improved
engine, which puts some polygon systems to shame and many different
locations with accompanying effects to add depth. You also carry
out missions differently and the missions themselves can be
very different, this is mainly due to the structure of the mission
objectives, which now have great depth.