example it is not uncommon for you to start off parachuting
down to earth or get dropped in a field by helicopters that
whirl up the grass around you (not literally). Picking up weapons
is now also possible and you even have a field surveillance
camera, which does exactly what it says on the tin. Falling
from buildings results in damage and if you try to swim under
water then you won't last long without a re-breather like real
Navy Seals use on long missions. As such some missions see you
swimming a lot at the start and possibly even taking out guard
boats by planting charges on their hulls. On the whole there
is also a story line to be followed, but this remains a little
sketchy so we will have to wait for the final release to know
just what it's all about.

forgetting that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has had a huge
boost in DF2, no longer will enemies just sit there while you
plough round after round into their lower or upper bodies. Instead
they can now use cover and concealment to do as you do and stealthily
sneak right up before pouncing on you unaware. They are also
faster at reacting in general and so unlike in DF, the last
thing you want to do is let them alert each other to your presence
and so instantly stealth plays a much more constant role in
DF2. Thankfully your team is just as clever and with improved
team AI you should find they give you cover much more realistically
and move in ways that are similar to your own. Just make sure
you look after them as much as they you or the missions could
end up being very short indeed.

with over 40 missions spanning different geographic regions
with accompanying weather effects and far to many new weapons
and items to mention, DF2 looks set to help us all become junior
commandos. Not to mention you can now climb ladders and movements
like back flips and side jumps now exist to help you evade incoming
fire. With included 3D Acceleration for polygon objects and
even more features than mentioned above, DF2 is likely to completely
redefine this genre and all we can say is WOW!

- NovaLogic
- Forgotten =)
Date - Q4-99 / Q1-2000
Site -
(Kick ass for DF2 details)
Mark Jackson
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