many of you may know, the main bottleneck in overall system
performance today is our sluggish hard-drive. RAID (Redundant
Array of Independent Disks), until recently only known to SCSI
and high-end servers, has been helping to overcome this bottleneck
for some time now offering incredible performance boosts. Promise
as well as others has recently broken into the consumer market
with their own versions of RAID for IDE via a PCI controller
card (even some AMD/VIA and Intel based mainboards are including
on-board RAID controllers now). A neat little trick has been
discovered with Promise's Ultra/66 PCI IDE controller card that
basically transforms it into the faster, and more expensive
Fasttrack/66 PCI IDE RAID controller.
Speedy 3D is not responsible for any damage that might occur
from following our instructions. Perform these modifications
at your own risk! Also remember, performing this modification
will also void your warranty, so don't expect a new board if
you break it performing this procedure. You'll also need to
make sure you have a Rev. A5 or lower board before performing
my particular method as any board with a higher Rev. will probably
not work.
you need
To perform this modification you will obviously need a Promise
Ultra/66 PCI controller card, and a very fine tipped soldering
iron that is preferably < 30w and is specially made for soldering
circuit boards. You can find these at your local RadioShack
or electronics specialty store. You'll also need to make sure
you have some 60/40 Rosin Core solder, and a 1/4w 100ohm resistor,
both of which you can find at RadioShack if you ask. Here's
a run-down of how much all this cost me:
- Promise
Ultra/66 PCI Controller Card - $25
- RadioShack
15-Watt Grounded Soldering Iron - $7.99
RadioShack 1/4w 100ohm resistor 5-pack - $0.49
- RadioShack
60/40 Rosin Core solder - $1.19
- Total
Cost: $34.67

a total cost of $34.67US is not bad, not bad at all. Considering
the total cost of a "real" Promise Fasttrack/66 Pro RAID controller
will set you back no less than $80 for basically the same exact