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Red Faction

"Ever since Half Life arrived from Valve, nearly three years ago, people have longed to finally get a game that has the ability to top it, well now they have."

Ever since Half Life arrived from Valve, nearly three years ago, people have longed to finally get a game that has the ability to top it, well now they have. Red Faction from Voilition, the people that did Freespace, looks set to be the first game in several years that'll truly topple Half Life from Number one FPS (Single Player).

It features a story line that plays out in the same way as Half Life and a revolutionary new engine that can physically alter the geometry in a level. It may not look like the clean-cut nature of Quake3 or UT, but that's part of the atmosphere.

Intense story

Although still around a year off, RF's primary aim is to nock Half Life for six by providing players with an experience they won't see anywhere else. This is done through a large level of NPC (None Player Character) and PC interaction, combined with the deep interactivity of the environment that surrounds. All the time RF maintains the basic Half Life philosophy of keeping any interaction simple (one button press etc.).

Of course the key ability is that of deformable level geometry, otherwise known as GeoMech, when a weapon physically alters the 3D structures around you. In this game snipers are a thing of the past, instead of waiting for one to take your head off, you could simply shoot out the struts holding the sniper aloft.

Other things such as the intense and heart pounding weapon sounds; immaculately detailed glass shattering and extraordinarily clever physics help to make RF an awesome affair.

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