people have gone completely nuts about cooling every single
part of their system. There are literally hundreds of devices
on the market designed to cool your CPU, video chipset, hard
drives, RAM chips and even those little chips on your Mainboard.
Some of these units can be useful, but you can cut back on a
lot them if you have good case ventilation. To accomplish this
a lot of people are hacking holes in their case to mount fans
known as blowholes. This technique may seem drastic for some
of you, but it's still the best way to cool your system.
read a lot of articles about people modifying their case. This
gave me some ideas for some case modifications, and I decided
to see what I could come up with. The subject is wide and I
wanted to include as much detail as I possibly could. For this
reason, I decided to split the article into multiple parts.
In this first part, I will show you how make those nice blowholes
and windows.

case I am using for this article is the OCD-33333-300
from AMK, which is manufactured by Apex (specs
here). They did a pretty good job designing this case,
but I wanted to personalize it a little. This full tower
case is perfect for this project as it really isn't expensive
and still offers first-rate quality, and plenty of space.
Most important of all, there is no cutting edge.