since the voodoo3's announcement at comex 98' there has been
a lot of controversy over its lack of next generation features
(primarily 32bit color). Although at the time (November 98)
the voodoo3's proposed clock speed was set at a whopping 183
MHz - extremely fast. We still have yet to see that clock
speed, in the form of the v3 3500. But, Nobody ever expected
to get anywhere near that type of speed in a single processor,
nobody ever expected the TNT2 to get up to 175 MHz (in the hercules
card). Now, after the release of the voodoo3 3000 and 2000 a
few months ago, we are all wondering what is next? What could
re-crown 3dfx as the pixel processor king? The fact is that
3dfx NEEDS something better, not just faster then the current
line of voodoo3's, and to keep up with growing competition it
needs it fast.

a house hold name like 3dfx (some people even get it confused
with the name "graphics accelerator") we have all come to expect
an extremely fast processor, with all the next generation features.
Even though 3dfx's current voodoo 3 line is not all what we
expected (more like a banshee2), 3dfx still has a chance to
redeem it self with an awesome next-generation video card. To
become the king again there are certain features that 3dfx must
incorporate into there next card, the voodoo4? Hopefully 3dfx
will be able to absolutely knock the socks off their competition,
just like we all remember (voodoo1, voodoo2). In the next few
pages I will try to explain all of the next generation features
that 3dfx's next chip will have.