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"This card falls right in between the GeForce2 Pro and the hard to find ultra model."

Xtasy 5864

Core Clock: 250MHz
Memory Clock: 400MHz

This card is the only GeForce2 based card in this roundup. This card falls right in between the GeForce2 Pro and the hard to find ultra model. This card included 64MB of the same 5ns DDR RAM chips that the Xtasy 6564 came with.



We weren't able to get the core much higher than 250MHz, but we were able to crank up the RAM about 20MHz to 520MHz.

DVD Playback

In our testing of the cards' hardware assisted playback of DVD we used powerdvd 3.0. Since the TNT line of cards all Nvidia based cards have included hardware assisted DVD playback, and have been almost flawless in their implementation and image quality. We experienced no problems at all when playing DVDs.

(Next up, benchmarks!)

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