environments you play range from cities to strange alien worlds
and all are immaculately textured and presented. The closest
comparison for its gameplay is Shogo but Slave Zero far exceeds
that and presents itself in a much more detailed and up to date
world. Whether your on easy or hard mode it still remains and
firm and true challenge for any gamer, possibly to much so for
some people.
at the pretty colours!
SZ really pulls it off and putting into words how good it looks
is hard. With enough bandwidth to have hundreds of moving objects
in a lively city, highly animated characters and a 3rd person
point-of-view at over 30fps, Slave Zero's engine breaks out
from the competition. Slave Zero is a 65foot environment mapped,
bump mapped, mip-mapped, gouraud shaded, multi-textured, multi-resolution,
adaptively animated hunk of attitude!
are 16Bit but add in 32Bit rendering from a TNT2 or better still
a G400 (Bump Mapping on this card pushes SZ way ahead) and the
explosions and lighting around you come alive with beauty. Everything
is detailed, from the tiny people to the huge mechs, it's almost
inconceivable that any engine could run this at speed, but it
can and does.
remember that you will need the likes of a Voodoo3, TNT2 or
G400 to get the most out of this title, as it's still very demanding.
Thankfully it's all worth it when you start to play the game
and realise how deeply involved it can get you.