I must admit when I first picked
up half-life I was extremely skeptical. When I first fired up
Half-life I was welcomed by an incredible 5 minute train sequence
that makes me feel like I am really part of the Black Mesa research
team. After I get off at my stop I spent about 10 minutes just
walking around the building talking to scientists and security
guards as if a normal day.
Later after a not so normal "accident"
is where the real adventure begins, not wanting to go into too
much detail this is one FANTASTIC journey! As you may know this,
like many other first person shooters uses the Quake II engine.
Although it uses this engine it is not fully based on it, about
70% of the code is ValvE's own original code. While visually
stunning this game does not relay on its good looks to make
it a winner. The developers have spent lots of time creating
a world were you actually think that the entity's are real and
everything seems part of a living world.

While the single player is all
well and good the multiplayer has no real new features or game
play. The multiplayer is simply a deathmatch with new characters
and weapons. They have also added a cool feature where you can
get an image and spray paint it on the walls of the game level,
which is great for leaving you death mark! ValvE does make it
easier to find a game though with there built-in gamespy type
server finder. Maybe when valve releases there upcoming team
fortress it could breath new life into the half-life multiplayer
game. This is a great game and is my pick for the best game
of 1998!
by Ryan Wissman
- 9.0 Gameplay - 9.5 Overall
- 9.4