key plot behind the series follows the intrepid group of space
farers as they try to get home to the Alpha quadrant. Along
the way they come under attack by a strange craft and end up
being sucked into another region of space. Elite Force follows
the plot from there with a team of trigger-happy crewmembers,
of which you are one, trying to collect data and free Voyager.
It soon becomes clear that the void in which they are stuck
is not all it appears to be, before long you find yourself being
transported all over and meeting old foes. Everything from Klingons
to old and battered Starfleet ships and a new alien race will
eventually find itself in your path as you struggle for freedom
- just typical!
needs of the one…
The game engine itself is based off ID Software's Quake3Arena
and moulded to suit a single player style role. As such the
typical FPS controls are the best in the industry, thanks to
ID Software's honed talents at the helm of the engine itself.
a pity the same can't be said for enemy AI, it seems just about
everybody accept your own crew can be hostile in Elite Force,
but not very clever. You often find yourself and team members
alike confronted with endless hordes of attacking aliens. The
real problem is they don't have anything in the way of brains,
90% of the time they'll just run or jump at you attacking as
they go and do very little else.