the beginning there were keyboards. They were white, had the
same number of keys, and all conformed to the standard rectangular
design. If you were to line up a hundred of them in a row they
would look like a bunch of children wearing uniforms. Times
have changed! One day someone decided to break the mold and
design a “revolutionary” keyboard. Ever since then keyboards
have been constantly changing and becoming more comfortable
to use. The Acer Ergo 61 Keyboard is a prime example of that.
(Refer to picture). Now the review!

received the product in the full retail packing which was particularly
nice, since most review products come in non-retail bare bones
packing. This way I can evaluate the product fairly. The Keyboard
and onboard “mouse” both installed quite nicely with the provided
drivers. The drivers were actually for the “mouse” since a keyboard
usually has no need for them.
I will cover the most important issue on a keyboard, its comfort.
I found this keyboard to be incredibly comfortable. It far outpaces
any other keyboard on the market in this area. I have not ever
used a keyboard that has been more comfortable than this one.
Never. The ergonomic design was perfect for me. Some people
might find the keys to be a little big, but since I have big
hands, the keys were great for me. That’s another thing, if
you do have big hands then I would particularly recommend this
keyboard to you! I Love this Keyboard. No Acer didn’t pay me
to make any of those statements, they just made a great product.
Obviously they care about their customers, unlike some companies,
which I will leave unnamed. So far we have an ergonomic keyboard
that is comfortable and easy to install.