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"Unlike other games, as you progress the information gained from this technology changes the plot and ultimately the way you play."

It doesn't take a genius with black-rimmed glasses and a pint of milk to figure out that the thin line on whence they tread could so easily be broken. Yet despite the odds stacked against them, Massive have continued to work their direction, confident the formula will succeed. As a great man once said, "There is method in madness", as such our goal is to find the method and hope to avoid the rest.

Of course, every game has to have a basis or a plot, as it is more commonly know. None more so than GC, but see if you can't spot the similarities in GC's plot with that of say, 'BattleZone' or even any other C&C game set in the future. Some 400 years in the future and World War Three has scorched the surface of Earth and scattered the remains of humanity throughout the globe. From this, two political factions known as 'The Craven Corporation' and 'The Order of the New Dawn' are formed.

Both sides engage in daily battles while attempting to colonise new worlds in order to escape the harsh existence on earth. Then surprise and the discovery of Alien technology proves we are not alone, all of a sudden the race is on the harness the power. Unlike other games, as you progress the information gained from this technology changes the plot and ultimately the way you play.

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