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The CPU's cache memory is the basis in which the CPU executes and stores the operations."

A CPU instruction set defines the specific operation a CPU can recognize, and it also determines the compatibility with programs. For example, programs written for the x86 instruction set can only support CPU's written for x86 CPU's. Also, the CPU can also determine the role of CPU performance. Intel, and other compatible CPU's use the x86 instruction set, which consists of 147 individual operations. Some instructions sets are faster and more powerful then others, which helps to make a CPU faster. Another item very commonly used to help boost performance is adding L1 and L2 cache memory to a CPU.

The CPU's cache memory is the basis in which the CPU executes and stores the operations. L1 cache (L stands for level) can help yield the greatest performance boost. L1 cache is memory that is actually imbedded into the CPU's core.This type of memory is what the cpu uses to quickly fetch the simple instructions or calculations that the processor needs to do. Though usually the cache is not very large. Usually only between 128 and 512 "k" or kilobytes.

CPU's are not only used in computers. Other devices like phones and other communication items use them. The processors used in these devices are not near as powerful or complex, but still serve their purpose. The computer processor has proven to be, very useful, and complex device. It helps us to make computers faster which makes our lives easier when we need to use one.

by Ryan Wissman

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