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Off Road

"What you end up with comes along the lines of realistic physics, top quality graphics engine and one hell of a smooth game"

Once again Rage's booth had another little gem stashed away in the corner, this time in the form of an off-road buggy racing game. Off road is not your typical racer though, it's taken elements from all Rage's other games and combined them into one. What you end up with comes along the lines of realistic physics, top quality graphics engine and one hell of a smooth game.

I was able to play it for a good while around one of the dusty tracks, still in need of a few tweaks but very near finished and it performed well. The tracks are wide with highten and curved corners that put the physics engine to use and really make you feel like your in a real buggy.

I was seriously impressed with the handling and it only took a matter of moments to truly get used to the controls though the Microsoft FF pad. The buggy bounces around, skids and does all manour of movements yet retains playability.

This looks like being one of the best racers out there for 2000, it's a essencially complete now but due to the usual time problems with publishing and marketing etc. It'll take a bit longer. Yet another of rages games that scores highly in my book.



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