Tuesday arrives and this time it's the turn of Epic or GT-Interactive
to be hunted down for the sole purpose of seeing Unreal Tournament.
Sadly there was nobody around at the GT area and Epic themselves
had no stand, still we did get to play a whole hour on UT at
Aureal 3D's stand where they offered us such.

seen and briefly played UT before I wasn't sure what had changed,
that didn't take long to rectify. Finalised maps, stunning weapon
sounds and more realistic coms/bot movements have all come into
place for the ECTS build. It was easily one of the most impressive
games on show, Quake3Arena is going to have to rock! more than
the Q3Test's if it wants the crown of Multiplayer games.

it looks like they finally sorted out their front end which
passes cleanly from game to menus and back again without hassle
or bugs. It's not hard to tell from even a brief play that UT
is a definate winner, good graphics and stunning gameplay are
a worthy combination.