of all I would like to say a big thanks to all my generous sponsors
for supplying me with the material required for an article like
this one. 2cooltek, Nerdsbyte,
CoolerGuys and Millisec,
you all rule! I never could of done this without you guys.
always preferred the slot format to the socket. They are easier
to install, usually more solid (the CPUs) and most important,
slot heatsinks are always bigger! This format was first introduced
with the Pentium 2 because the L2 cache was external. The first
Athlons where also introduced in slot format for the same reason.
now that both Intel and AMD produce CPUs with internal cache,
the slot format has become useless. Both companies plan to make
their future CPUs in socket format. So yes, the slot format
is doomed. However, Intel still produces its fastest CPU in
slot format. And you will still be able to find both AMD and
Intel chips in slot at least for the next year and maybe beyond.
Here is a picture of the height (8) heatsink I tested.

From top left going right: VOS32, P3125, FLK-32/38, K702, P3D-5030,
VGS-08, cheap no name (out of the test, it could not handle
the peltier), Golden Orb and the K7D-5032.