one can argue which console system is better, it is undeniable
that with the versatile selection of hardware and games that
the personal computer is no lightweight. While consoles often
cost less than a computer system itself, upgrading your video
card to a blazing fast one can cost equal or less than most
new console systems. The Geforce cards offer great speed, and
a broad range of prices. The lower end MX, is fast enough for
any game on the market today, and only costs a little over $100.
On the other end of the scale, the Geforce 2 Ultra is overkill
and capable of incredible rendering capabilities, costing over
$400. While the exact performance gain from the cards depends
on the system installed on, there is no doubt that the Geforce
pacts an incredible punch.
Setup: $130 - $500
Retail Setup: $150 - $200
Saved: $20 - $70 (if any)
only can turning your computer into a home entertainment system
be cost effective, it can save an incredible amount of space
as well. In many cases, new computers have many of the components
needed included in them, requiring even less spending. In many
cases, improving your computer entertainment system is as easy
as downloading free software, and plug-ins. Start enjoying your
days to relax even more than before, by a few easy computer
upgrades. It will be worth every penny.
Possible Savings: $6910
(note: All savings/costs are averages at the time of publish,
not including special deals and sales)
Ross Johnson